Proceedings of AsianPLoP 2016: 5th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Paper Title |
The Shutdown-Alert Pattern for Online Service Replacement |
Binding Design Patterns for Visualization Libraries |
Software Reuse with Shuffler Design Pattern |
QA to AQ Part Five |
Patterns for Secure Cloud IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) |
A Design Pattern for Improving the Performances of a Distributed Access Control Mechanism |
Project Design Patterns |
Patterns for Organizers |
Parenting Patterns |
Handover Anti-patterns |
Dialog-based User Interface for a Smart Home System |
Cooking Patterns: A Pattern Language for Everyday Cooking |
A Reference Architecture for web browsers: Part I, A pattern for Web Browser Communication |
A Misuse Pattern for Web Browsers: Interception of traffic |
Programming Language Standardization: Patterns for Participation |
Collocated Twenty-Hour Week |
探討使用者認知對App設計樣式語言之研究 |