
EuroPLoP 2003 gratefully acknowledges sponsoring from the following companies. Thanks to all sponsors for making EuroPLoP 2003 possible. Or for making it better!

Siemens AG With particular thanks to Lothar Borrmann. Siemens have generously sponsored EuroPLoP scholarship places. EuroPLoP scholarships are available to student pattern authors who wouldn't be able to attend the conference without some form of financial support. Siemens have also sponsored the printing of the conference proceedings.
Coldewey Consulting
With particular thanks to Jens Coldewey who sponsors an EuroPLoP scholarship for a student pattern author.
IBM Rational Software

With particular thanks to Wolfgang Bertol.
IBM Rational Software sponsors an EuroPLoP scholarship for a student pattern author.

John Wiley & Sons

With particular thanks to Gaynor Redvers-Mutton. Wiley sponsor the welcome reception - a great start to the conference.

"We take great pride and pleasure in celebrating the publication of more patterns literature and Gaynor Redvers-Mutton looks forward to hearing your book ideas during the Publishers Cafe."

dpunkt.verlag GmbH With particular thanks to Rene Schoenfeldt
dpunkt, the publisher for professional IT literature, sponsors part of EuroPLoP's welcome reception.

Are you interested in becoming a EuroPLoP sponsor?
Please contact the the conference chairs.