EuroPLoP 2005 Focus Groups

Focus groups are usually free-format discussion groups which bring together people who are interested in a challenging topic related to patterns. They bring up issues such as using patterns, organising patterns, experiences with patterns, or designing pattern languages in a design fest etc. Interdisciplinary topics are particularly welcome since they help us learn from other domains. These domains range from less obvious areas of computing, such as artificial intelligence, to other areas of science, such as building architecture, mechanical engineering, music, or film making.

There are 3 long focus groups and 4 short focus groups, with 4 resp. 2 sessions over the conference. You can choose one long focus group and one short focus group. Remember that these events typically require some kind of preparation, so please check with the session description when you decide which session you'd like to attend.

In EuroPLoP 2005 there are the following LONG Focus Groups:

In EuroPLoP 2005 there are the following SHORT Focus Groups: