The tenth annual ChiliPLoP features "hot topics" for experienced
folks to gather and tackle issues. Participants must choose one hot topic and
register with the workshop organizer. How do you do this? Write an email to
one of the organizers requesting that you be included in their Hot Topic
discussion. If you are accepted, you will receive an email from your Hot
Topic leader with the registration link.
ChiliPLoP will be held at the Lutheran Retreat Center in Carefree, about an
hour northeast of Phoenix, from Sunday evening 18-February through Wednesday
noon, 21-February. We have driving
directions online! Check out the Transportation Wiki to find others who want to car pool or share a Super
Shuttle for ChiliPLoP.
Registration Fees for Conference Attendees:
$650, or $750 after 14-January-2007
The fee covers all conference costs, meals, three nights lodging at the
Lutheran Retreat Center, evening refreshments, and activities.
The cost for each guest accompanying a registrant is $300 for the conference
period. Children 5 and under are free. This includes all meals, taxes, and
service charges.
Please do not contact the
Lutheran Retreat Center for information about the conference, instead, please
contact Eugene Wallingford or Rick Mercer.
Conference Chair: Rick Mercer
Program Chair: Eugene Wallingford
PLoP is a trademark of The Hillside Group, Inc.