Welcome to the fifth Nordic Pattern Languages of Programs Conference
September 28. to October 1. 2006
Helsingør, Denmark

Register to participate in VikingPLoP 2006

Go to the The registration page to register.

Registration for VikingPLoP 2006 is closed.

Final Proceedings

The final proceedings are available online by clicking the link below
VikingPLoP 2006 Final Proceedings (pdf ˜2.5 MB).

Schedule and Program

Conference Program

Start: Thursday 28. September at 18:00
End: Sunday 1. October at 13:00.

Program Highlights

Writers workshops

We will be workshopping nine papers in Writers Workshops

Focus Group on "Nature of Order" by Christopher Alexander

We will introduce you to the core ideas from the books, then spend the bulk of the focus group having you the participants explore and apply the ideas in practise in order to familiarise yourself with the ideas.

The focus group will be lead by Kristian Elof Sørensen

VikingPLoP 2006 is endorsed by Hillside US and Hillside Europe
non-profit organizations comprising key people who have
been responsible for key software innovations in the world.

Come and join :)