AsianPLoP is a premier event for pattern authors and users to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and pattern languages in the Asia region as well as other regions. AsianPLoP is a PLoP® Conference sanctioned by the Hillside Group. PLoP is a registered trademark of The Hillside Group.
These papers were work-shopped at Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP) 2015 March 5-7, 2015, Tokyo, Japan. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission. Copyright is held by the authors.
ISBN: [Hillside 978-1-941652-08-4]
Made in the USA
Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP) took place at the fourth time. The conference had 13 papers for Writer's Workshops (WW), and 1 paper for Writing Group (WG). Papers for WW were workshopped in the traditional PLoP format. Paper for WG was also explained and commented in the similar workshop style. Moreover there were Keynote titled "Japanese Supirituaruty and Pattern Language" by Hiroshi Nakano, Keynote titled "A Challenge to the (Japanese) Pattern Community" by James O. Coplien, Shepherding Workshop, Workshop on Processes for Making Lively Things, and Games!
The conference was sponsored and supported by Waseda University Global Software Engineering Laboratory and SIGSE Patterns WG IPSJ.
Hironori Washizaki, AsianPLoP 2015 General and Program Chair
Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) conference is a place for pattern authors to have their pattern languages reviewed by fellow authors. The purpose of AsianPLoP is to promote development of patterns, pattern languages, technologies and experiences of patterns primarily about software; however, these for domains outside software were also welcome.
AsianPLoP 2015 was held in Tokyo, Japan from March 5-7, 2015.
We invited contributions from practitioners and researchers on:
Patterns and pattern languages
Critiques of patterns and pattern languages
Research on patterns and pattern languages
Case studies of the use of patterns and pattern languages
AsianPLoP is different from other conferences. It is run in the "writers' workshop" style, as described in Richard Gabriel's book. Before the conference, authors interact with a "shepherd" who helps them improve their paper to make it as ready for AsianPLoP as possible. A program committee reviews the papers for final acceptance after they have gone through the shepherding process. The writers workshops provide more feedback.
The table of contents is organized by the workshop groups and the chairs as they were presented at AsianPLoP.
Patterns and Pattern Languages in English |
Introducing Software Reading Techniques into Pattern Writer's Workshop: Checklists and Perspectives |
Patterns for Initial Architectural Design on Agile Projects |
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB): A pattern for accessing secure cloud services |
Analysing Concurrency issues and obtaining Thread-Safety for Design Patterns |
How To Solve It: Patterns for Learning and Teaching Object-Oriented Programming and Engineering Practices |
Extract With Markers Pattern (Writing Group) |
Two threat patterns: "Compromising applications using components with known vulnerabilities" and "Direct access to objects using uncontrolled references" |
Patterns and Pattern Languages in Japanese |
Rails Development Patterns |
子供がいない夫婦が生き生きと添い遂げるためのパターンランゲージ |
自分らしくいきいきと美しく生きるためのパターンの抽出とその国際比較 |
Language of Communication |
パターン・マイニング・ワークショップのデザイン Generative Beauty Workshopを事例として |
A proposal and preliminary experiment of dialogue workshop using pattern language for building learning and practice based communities |
プロジェクトランゲージを用いたパターンランゲージの習得手法の提案 2015 (A proposal of the learning method for pattern language by using project languages version 2015) |
The AsianPLoP Conference would not be a success without the volunteer help of the shepherds and program committee members. The shepherds devote hours of their time to helping authors improve their papers pre-conference. The program committee members help organize the conference, handle requests, and communicate with attendees.
We would like to thank all those who helped make AsianPLoP 2014 a complete success.
General & Program Chair | Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University / National Institute of Informatics, Japan |