
Note: the schedule is agile and will be refined by the group.

Friday (March 27th)
18:00 Pizza party
19:00 Games and Discussions

Start Idea Wall with Expectations

9:00 Welcome & games
9:30 Introduction, exchange of ideas and expectations
10:00 Pattern mining I: Brainstorming on assessment (solutions, problems, forces and contexts)
Integrated tea and coffee break
11:30 Pattern mining II: Find clusters, hot topics and focus of interest

Outcome: pattern map with pattern candidates. Based on these candidates we will write patterns during the rest of the workshop

13:00 Small lunch buffet
14:00 Pattern writing: Select candidates and start writing
16:00 Walk into the village
17:00 Pattern refinement: Make patterns “workshop ready”
18:00 Dinner (catering)
19:00 Reading time
20:00 Relax and discuss

By now each particiapant has written one pattern ready for a mini writers’ workshop.

9:00 Mini writers’ workshops (10-15 minutes per pattern)
Integrated tea and coffee break
11:30 Integrate Feedback

Have individual patterns fit for *PLoP submission.

13:00 Small lunch buffet
14:00 Pattern Writing: Start writing the next new patterns
16:00 Tai-Chi Workshop
17:00 Pattern refinement: Make more patterns “workshop ready”
18:00 Dinner (catering)
19:00 Time for reflection: Experiences, updates to pattern mining map
20:00 Relax and discuss

By now each particiapant has written several pattern ready for a mini writers’ workshop.

9:00 Reading Time
10:00 Mini Writers’ Workshops (10-15 minutes per paper)
12:30 Go out for lunch / Trip to the sea side
14:30 Integrate feedbacks of both days

Have several papers fit for *PLoP submission

17:00 Outlook: Next steps and outlook based on patterns map
18:30 Dinner (Self cooked)
20:00 Relax and discuss