EuroPLoP is the premier European conference on patterns. The conference offers a variety of workshops that allow you to learn about patterns, to receive feedback on your own work, and to discuss with fellow enthusiasts. It is a unique venue to exchange knowledge about best practices and learn from other experts in various fields.
EuroPLoP 2009 will be held July 8-12, 2009 in the Irsee Monastery, Germany. Join us for an experience that will combine outstanding technical events with a visit to the lovely Bavarian countryside.
EuroPLoP accepts papers containing patterns or pattern languages as well as experience reports and papers related to the theory and use of patterns. EuroPLoP 2009 will include a track specifically for papers discussing Pragmatic and Systematic Approaches to Applying Patterns.
Papers submitted to EuroPLoP cover a wide range of subjects, from technical issues, like Java coding techniques, to social and organization issues such as environmental damage. In previous years, papers have clustered around subjects such as:
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
Short papers (5 to 10 pages) containing one or more patterns. Longer pattern languages or sequences and work-in-progress papers will also be considered for inclusion. All accepted papers will receive in-depth shepherding by an experienced pattern author before the conference. Papers may receive further shepherding at the conference itself.
EuroPLoP 2009 will include a special track on the application of patterns entitled "Applying Patterns". This track will be coordinated by Uwe Zdun (, Paris Avgeriou ( and Neil Harrison (
This track aims to studying the application of patterns in practice and enforce the links between the patterns community and practitioners. It envisions papers that present not only patterns but also their practical applications in real industrial projects, as well as papers on systematizing the application of patterns. It aims at stimulating a general discussion on how to disseminate the patterns literature more in higher education and training. It hopes to provide visibility to research attempts for integrating patterns in software engineering industrial practices.
Focus groups are free-format discussion groups or workshops lasting between 3 and 6 hours. They are designed to bring together people who are interested in a challenging topic related to patterns or proven practices. Non-conventional ideas such as goldfish bowls are welcome.
For 2009 the organizers would like to introduce and element of dynamic selection into the Focus Group selection process.
Focus Group proposals are invited in advance of the conference. Those submissions considered relevant and of sufficient quality will be provisionally accepted to the conference. In addition, participants attending the conference will be invited to propose additional focus groups for the final day of the conference.
EuroPLoP normally hosts six focus groups each lasting approximately three hours. This year three focus groups will be accepted and scheduled prior to the conference start. Three more focus groups will be agreed by participants once the conference has started. These will be chosen from the remaining provisional accepted groups and additional ones proposed at the conference. The remaining provisional selection will be held until the conference begins. Participants will be given the opportunity to propose additional focus groups. The final selection will be made at the conference by the participants.
The core of EuroPLoP is a series of writers' workshops where authors work together to improve their papers. Before patterns or other papers are accepted for a writers' workshop, they are shepherded (non-anonymously). This means that an experienced author will discuss your submission with you, so that you can refine your paper prior to the conference. All submissions will be peer-reviewed.
Post shepherding papers may be accepted directly into a conference workshop, or into a writing group. Writing Group papers will receive additional face-to-face shepherding at the conference itself. Writing Group papers reaching the required standard will be considered for workshop review on the final day of the conference.
The EuroPLoP proceedings are published after the conference.
Papers discussed at a writer's workshop at this conference qualify for submission to the new journal Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming published by Springer.
There is a three stage submission process:
Authors of accepted papers are expected to register for the conference before the close of early-bird registration on 24 May. Failure to do so may result in acceptance being withdrawn. In the case of papers with multiple authors at least one author is expected to register to attend by the close of early bird registrations.
To submit your paper in the first instance, please visit the submission page. This page will be available in January.