This is a participatory conference.
Please arrive in time and plan to stay the entire day.
Recommended reading before the conference
Writers’ Workshops & the Work of Making of Things by Richard Gabriel
Writers’ Workshop
The core of GuruPLoP is a series of Writers’ Workshops where authors work together to improve their papers.
Before patterns or other papers are accepted for a Writers’ Workshop, they are shepherded. This means that an experienced author will discuss your submission with you, so that you can refine your paper prior to the conference.
After shepherding, all submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be discussed
at the conference in a Writers’ Workshop.
After the conference, you refine your paper with the additional feedback from the workshop and then
submit the camera-ready version for the proceedings.
Workshop Leader: Rebecca Rikner & Maria Kavanagh
Requirement: All participants should have read all the presented papers in advance and come prepared.
- 1 Sashank Dara
Privacy Patterns in Public Clouds - 2 Alan O'Callaghan
Slicing and Dicing Stories for the Product Backlog - 3 Srinivasa Gopal
Patterns in Software Assisted Software Engineering - 4 Samrat Dutta
Product to Employee Engagements: Best Practices - 5 A. Meiappane, Dr V Prasanna Venkatesan
Profile-Based Component Pattern - 6 Samrat Dutta
Usability improvements for products that mandate use of command-line interface: Best practices
- Alan O'Callaghan, Independent Consultant, Emerald Hill, Leicestershire, UK.
- Anand Krishnaswamy, ThoughtWorks, Chennai, India.
- David West, Independent Consultant, New Mexico, USA.
- Dinesha K. V., Professor, IIIT Bangalore, Bangaluru, India.
- Maria Kavanagh, Independent Consultant, Emerald Hill, Leicestershire, UK.
- A. Meiappane, Associate Professor, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
- Rebecca Rikner, Independent Consultant, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Samrat Dutta, IBM, Pune, India.
- Sashank Dara, Cisco Systems, Bangaluru, India.
- Srinivasa Gopal, IIIT Bangalore, Bangaluru, India.
- Vallidevi Krishnamurthy, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India.