Structure of a Writer's Workshop
The writers workshop format is a particularly effective method to
review, evaluate, and improve pattern descriptions. The general structure
of a writers workshop has a group of ``discussants'' read the paper
carefully before the session. During the workshop the discussants examine
the strengths and weaknesses of each paper, accentuating positive aspects
and suggesting improvements in content and style.
Although the author is present, he or she remains ``invisible''
during most of the discussion. The author is expected to take notes
and/or have someone take notes for them during the discussion (so
they can concentrate on the discussion). Many reviewers also give
their marked-up copy of the paper to the authors with further written
comments. These comments are intended to help the author improve
the paper, but the author is not obliged to follow all the suggestions.
The entire process normally takes about an hour per paper.
Within a writers workshop session, papers are discussed in several
``rounds'' according to the following format:
- The paper is discussed by a group of people including its author,
a moderator, and a group of reviewers who are familiar with the
contents of the paper.
- The author of a paper reads a paragraph of his/her choice.
The goal is to let the author express what he or she feels is
particularly important about the pattern, as well as to give
participants a change to get to know the author a bit.
- One or two reviewers briefly summarize the paper from their
personal viewpoint. The goal is to identify what the reviewer(s)
thought were the key points of the pattern. Since the other participants
should already have read the work, the summaries should be concise.
In particular, it's best to avoid debating any inconsistencies
between different reviewer's interpretations of the paper at
this point.
- The group then discusses what they liked about the paper, first
in terms of content and then in terms of style. The goal is to
identify and praise the strengths of the work.
- After presenting the positive aspects of the paper, the group
discusses how to improve the content and style of the paper.
The goal here is not to criticise the paper per se,
but rather to give the author constructive suggestions on how
to make the paper better. In general, the style for critical
comments is to first state the problem followed by a suggestion
on how to solve the problem.
- After this discussion, the author of the paper may ask questions
of the reviewers to clarify their statements. The goal is to
give the author a chance to better understand certain comments,
rather than to defend the paper.
- The session closes with the audience thanking the author for
writing the paper.
Note that during the rounds 3, 4, and 5 the author of the paper is
only ``virtually'' present. He or she does not actively participate
in the discussion. Moreover, the reviewers do not address him or
her directly, i.e., the reviewers discuss the paper as if its author
is not present. In particular, the reviewers should refer to ``the
author'' in the third person and should not look at the author when
making comments.
Suggestions for a Successful Writer's Workshop
The following are some suggestions for holding a successful writer's
workshop. The purpose of these suggestions are to foster creativity
and sharing of ideas and insights among the participants and to respect
and appreciate the contribution of the authors.
- Ensuring appropriate atmosphere -- It is very
important that workshop participants act professionally and courteously
towards each other and towards the author during a workshop.
The goal is to ensure that participants feel comfortable sharing
their insights and suggestions for improvement. We all feel uneasy
when we are being evaluated, and so authors will feel nervous
under the best of circumstances. If one of the workshop attendees
is very critical then the author will feel so bad he or she will
probably never want to come back.
It is the responsibility of the moderators (and particularly
the lead moderator) to ensure the atmosphere of the workshop
is constructive and conducive to insightful discussions,
rather than having people show off their intellect by attacking
other people. Moreover, it's very important to stress positive
aspects of the paper before presenting (constructive) criticisms.
- Contributions by non-authors -- Moderators
should ask each author whether they would like to include or
exclude non-authors from commenting on their paper during their
workshop review. In addition, moderators should let authors comment
on the paper being reviewed before asking for non-author comments.
The goal is to make sure that those who have contributed their
effort to write papers for the workshop are recognized accordingly.
We've found that non-authors usually have good things to
contribute, and authors would lose a lot if they didn't get
their input. However, we realize that most of the authors
do not have a lot of writing experience. They are expert
developers, not expert writers, so we are sympathetic and
try to be as helpful as we can be. The authors are sharing
their hard-earned experience with us, and we want to demonstrate
our appreciation to them.
- Circle organization -- When possible, the
writer's workshops should be organized with the authors in the
workshop sitting in the inner circle, and non-authors sitting
in the outer circle. The goal is to recognize the authors, who
have contributed their efforts to making the workshop possible,
and to encourage the authors to contribute to the discussion.
Naturally, if the room isn't large enough to accommodate this,
then everyone should sit in a single larger circle.
- Rotating moderators -- It has been common
practice at past PLoPs to rotate moderators among authors in
writer's workshops. The goal is to give authors the opportunity
to gain experience moderating a writer's workshop. It is the
responsibility of the lead moderator for each session to help
other moderators if questions arise.
- Workshop size -- To avoid overcrowding, please
limit the number of non-authors in a writer's workshop to around
10. The goal is to disperse the non-authors relatively evenly
throughout the 7 workshops. Since we have almost 80 authors at
PLoP '96 (and about 110 attendees) this should be fairly easy
to do since the average number of non-authors will be about 5
per session.