**Important Dates**

Click to Expand
April 12-13
Pattern Mining
May 25
Future of Education
July 27
Teaching with Patterns
August 26
Cloud Architecture Pattern Exploration
September 9
Humane in Patterns Through Drama
September 19-20
Dialogue Workshop
September 30
Fearless Change Campfire
October 17
PLoP Opening Day
October 24
PLoP Conference Day


PLoPourri events and activities aim to be as open and inclusive as possible, from newcomers to experts.

The PLoPourri program aims to cover various phases of the lifecycle of patterns and pattern languages, from brainstorming, mining and writing patterns, to organizing pattern study groups, writing experience reports on using patterns, and conducting empirical studies.

The activities will be organized by themes, dates and regions, to enable each one to be run as effectively and widely as possible, from locally and face-to-face, to blended, or simply virtually, and streamed globally.

All PLoPourri activities held during the year will culminate with wrap-up sessions at PLoP 2022 conference days. Registration is required for each PLoPourri event. Click on the links below to register. You must register for the events separately to attend them! All PLoPourri events are free.

Upcoming PLoPourri Events

Previous 2022 PLoPourri Events

How to organize a PLoPourri Event

You too can submit a proposal for a PLoPourri event covering different phases of the lifecycle of patterns and pattern languages. We are looking for events of the following kinds (but you may submit any idea):

  • brainstorming specific domains to capture in pattern form existing expertise and proven practices;
  • pattern mining and writing for specific domains;
  • organize and run pattern study groups, in your region, city, or institution;
  • writing experience reports on using patterns;
  • conducting empirical studies on patterns, namely impact assessment.

Events can span from one single event of a few hours to a several month recurrent event. This is up to the organizers to decide, considering the purpose and target audience.

If you are interested in suggesting and organizing a PLoPourri Event, contact the chairs to get support, schedule and run one.