As organizations transition to agile processes, Quality Assurance (QA) activities and roles need to evolve. Traditionally, QA activities occur late in the process, after the software is fully functioning. As a consequence, QA departments have been "quality gatekeepers" rather than actively engaged in the ongoing development and delivery of quality software. Agile teams incrementally deliver working software. Incremental delivery provides an opportunity to engage in QA activities much earlier, ensuring that both functionality and important system qualities are addressed just in time, rather than too late. Agile teams embrace a "whole team" approach. Even though special skills may be required to perform certain development and Quality Assurance tasks, everyone on the team is focused on the delivery of quality software.
Description:Prioritizing and implementing necessary functionality keeps an agile project moving forward. But in a sprint to deliver features, agile teams can overlook software qualities. By focusing only on functionality, the security, scalability, performance, and reliability concerns can get shoved aside or wistfully imagined as emerging along with the architecture. But what if you need to pay more attention to system qualities? How can you interject quality specification, design, and testing efforts into your project and be more agile about it? This talk introduces agile techniques and patterns of practices that support the definition and delivery of system qualities.
I will show how to write Quality Scenarios in an Agile manner that emphasize architecture capabilities such as usability, security, performance, scalability, internationalization, availability, accessibility and the like. I will also address the when, where, and how on Quality Scenarios. This will include how to identify, profile, and outline the relevant quality characteristics.
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"Design Patterns", by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides, was released in October, 1994. It has continued to sell for 20 years and has had a big impact. Twenty years after it came out, some of the patterns continue to be important, some less important. New patterns have arisen that have displaced some of the older patterns. There are common ways that the patterns are misused. Ralph Johnson will talk about what he has learned about the patterns since the book was published.
Biography:Ralph Johnson is one of four coauthors of "Design Patterns" and the leader of the group that built the first refactoring tool, the Smalltalk Refactoring Browser. He is still working on patterns and program transformation, though the spotlight has shifted off of basic object-oriented design to topics like parallel programming and innovative ways of making business software.
He joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1985, and retired recently to work on a system for automating business transactions.
Internet of things considers everything with intelligence connected in the web: people, devices, cloud, services and other "things". This paradigm brings new perspectives to research since puts together sensors, actuators, embedded systems, ubiquitous systems, big data, security, and so on. On the other hand, software patterns have been reused and proven to be good solutions for improving quality. Then, in this talk, both paradigms will be discussed in an attempt to integrate them and to come up with new challenges and opportunities for research.
Biography:Rossana M. C. Andrade is an Associate Professor at Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil, in the Department of Computer Science. She received her Ph.D from School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE), University of Ottawa, Canada, in May 2001. In her thesis, she works on software patterns for telecommunications and since then she has been involved with the Brazilian pattern community. Andrade does research in the areas of computer networks and software engineering. Specifically, she is working on alternative solutions to specify and validate ubiquitous systems as well as to reuse good solutions for their development and to increase their reliability with the application of formal techniques.
Since the late 1990s, pattern languages began to be applied to an increasing range of fields to encompass creative human actions such as education and innovation. To distinguish this new generation of pattern languages that describe patterns for creative human actions, Iba have named it "Pattern Language 3.0." As pattern language domains have expanded, so have its uses. Pattern languages have been used as media for dialogue to allow the exchange of personal experiences. In this talk, I present the idea of Pattern Language 3.0, and show examples of pattern languages as well as new uses for them.
Biography:Takashi Iba, a trans-disciplinary researcher, creator, and writer, explores the nature of creativity and works to build media to nurture it. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Policy Management and the Graduate School of Media and Governance of Keio University, Japan. With collaborate with his students, Dr. Iba has created many pattern languages concerning human actions, including learning, presentations, collaboration, education, entrepreneurship, and beauty. He received a Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2003, and continued as a visiting scholar at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, 2009-2010. He has authored many academic books such as the bestselling "Introduction to Complex Systems: An Adventure to the Frontier of Knowledge" (1998, in Japanese), and many others including "Pattern Languages" (2013, in Japanese), "Presentation Patterns" (2013, in Japanese, received the GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2013), and "Social Systems Theory" (2011, in Japanese).
Self Travel Cafe is a workshop, using the Personal Culture Patterns, a pattern language for living with continuous self-fulfillments (Nakada, et al., 2013). Considering one's personality and characteristics, personal culture, Personal Culture Patterns is a set of tips to recognize and develop them. By recognizing one's personality and taking it into consideration in everyday life, you can enjoy the feeling of aliveness. This workshop will provide an opportunity for you to re-identify yourself to live your life with more aliveness, using Personal Culture Patterns. After reading Personal Culture Patterns, participants will have a dialogue on their important values, which help them maintain their aliveness, referring to the patterns. Keeping in mind the keywords that are the elements of their aliveness, they will write them in a circle-shaped paper out of a diverse selection of size and color. Freely arranging the circles, participants will glue them on a rectangular-shaped paper, creating their own Personal Picture, a new way of expressing one's aliveness.
Biography:Arisa Kamada, a student at Keio University, part-time teacher at BLEA College, and a fashion model, explores a method and workshop to support youth in creating a living with aliveness. She has created the Personal Culture Patterns, a pattern language for creating an individual and personal way of living, and has presented it at the 18th European Conference on Pattern Language of Programs. After the conference, she has held workshops at a renowned bookstore, public school, and private school. Additionally, she gave a class using Personal Culture Patterns via "schoo", an online web service, with 1500 viewers. Moreover, she organizes a charity flea market for the youth to think about social issues such as women's rights, food, environment, and poverty. She aims to contribute to society through holding such events.