The Sun Singer at Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois
Past Announcements
September 3,
2002 The Allerton tour guided by Ralph Johnson will
be on Sunday between 3:30-5pm. Check the schedule
August 15, 2002
If you register for the conference, within 2 working
days, you should receive a confirmation email and your name
will be listed in the Attendee
list page. If you don't see your name in the list, please
contact Weerasak
August 7, 2002
PLoP2002 Attendee list is online,
it will be updated every weekday.
August 1, 2002
The PLoP2002 draft schedule
is now online.
July 31, 2002
We are creating an attendee list webpage and will update
it every few days. Due to the hotel facility, most of the
rooms are 2- or 3-bedrooms. So if you and another attendee
would like to be roommates, let us
July 20, 2002
PLoP2002 Proceedings webpage
is publicly available.
July 29, 2002
PLoP2002 registration is
now open. Register at your earliest convenience.
July 20, 2002 We are going to have
a paper submission system maintenance this evening between
5:30pm-9:30pm CST. The system will not be accessible during
the period. Big thanks to Federico Balaguer for his remote
July 19, 2002
We have learned that some authors have difficulties submitting
the final papers from the submissions page. If it's the
case, you can email with attachment to plop2002chair@yahoo.com.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
July 17, 2002
The final paper submission system
has been re-opened. Submit your final version now until
July 22, 2002.
July 15, 2002
We are working on the online registration form and online
final paper submission system. Please stay tuned.
June 6, 2002
New refactoring workshop proposal: The Object Identity Pattern
Language in the Focus Topics section.
May 20, 2002
Online submission page is closed.
You will not be able to use the online system to submit
updated papers. We are in a process of assigning shepherds
to papers. Your shepherd will contact you shortly.
10, 2002 We are really sorry for the web server issue
during the past few days. Now we fixed it and we will extend
the paper submission deadline to Wednesday
May 15th, 2002. Again, sorry for any inconvenience.
- Submit a paper (first version):
- Edit your submission:
- QuickSubmission:
Apr 17, 2002
Paper Submissions section
is up. We are ready to accept papers online.
Apr 11, 2002
The paper submission system is nearly ready. Please check
back in a week.
Mar 12, 2002
Conference fee is announced in the Registration
section. The online registration will be up soon.
Mar 11, 2002
Are you a book author in software patterns/architecture/engineering?
If so, please let us know about your books. We will have
a bookstore section and would be happy to include yours.
Send the list of your books to witthawa@uiuc.edu.
Mar 11, 2002
PLoP 2002 Masters announced. We are proud to have them serve
as PLoP 2002 Masters and they will give talks and/or do
workshops. Listen and learn from ones of the best in software
- Dick Gabriel - Master Author
- Martin Fowler - Master Designer
- John Crupi - Keynote speaker
Feb 27, 2002
Focus Topics announced
- Patterns and Pattern Languages for
Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems
- Design Patterns for Test and Testability
of applications having Concurrent Architecture and multithreaded
design patterns
- Patterns for Securing (Enterprise)
Software Applications
- Patterns of Messaging and Web Services
