2009 Conference
August 28th - 30th, 2009, Chicago, IL, USA
Download the PLoP
2009 Frontmatter (PDF)
PLoP 2009 is in cooperation with ACM, AGILE, & OOPSLA
Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP®)
conference is a premier event for pattern authors and pattern
enthusiasts to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and
software development.
Preliminary versions of
these papers were workshopped at Pattern Languages of Programming (PLoP)
’09 August 18th - 30th, 2009, Chicago, IL, USA. Permission to make digital
or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom
use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or
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Welcome to PLoP 2009
Welcome to PLoP09,
the 16th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, a premier
event for pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts to gather, discuss
and learn more about patterns, pattern writing, pattern reviewing,
shepherding, software development, collaboration, and more, much more.
To accomplish this, the
conference program offers a rich set of activities that altogether
promote a friendly and effective environment to share expertise, and to give and
get feedback from fellow authors. The pre-conference activities start Thursday
morning at the BootCamp, a special session aimed at people new to
patterns and/or PLoP, led by Robert Hanmer and Linda Rising.
Writers' Workshops are the primary focus
of our time at PLoP and it will be during them that we will discuss and
review each other’s papers in a very fruitful way. We have four groups of
five papers each, which were selected from an initial set of around 40
submissions, and after a considerable period of shepherding. Papers of the
Writing Group will have in addition the opportunity of being evolved during
PLoP with the mentoring of experienced pattern writers.
We are excited to have
three Invited Talks which will be time to get inspired and
energized by the words and thoughts of Dr. Alistair Cockburn as he discusses
"Making use of Context, Side-Effects and
Overdose Effects in Larger Collections of Patterns," then we hear from Dave
West as he speaks on "Transcendence and
Passing Through the Gates," followed by Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder as they
explore "Big
Balls of Mud: Is This the Best that Agile
Can Do?" But there is more. Other activities, such as the 'Birds
of a Feather' (BoF), let you informally organize your own session about
topics you are interested in, or to attend already organized working sessions.
Just announce them or subscribe to them! We also have an Interactive Pattern
Story workshop, a discussion of where patterns might be headed in the future (Is
it True?), and an opportunity to learn Social Interaction Patterns and help the
authors of the forthcoming book on that topic.
After the conference,
the papers are strongly encouraged to be further evolved in order to
accommodate the suggestions for improvement gathered during the discussions at
conference. A final version of evolved papers will be published in the
ACM Digital Library as PLoP 2009 Proceedings.
And last but not least,
we have Games, a well-established and very important activity at PLoP.
Guided by George Platts on Friday, the games will help us all on ice-breaking,
to exercise our body and mind, to collaborate better, and to reinforce a
community of trust. Some of the games have become ‘traditions', while others
will be a surprise.
This year PLoP is not
in the beautiful scenery of Allerton Park, the original PLoP location, where
most conference editions took place. This one is co-located with the Agile
conference, in the windy city otherwise known as Chicago, Illinois.
We would like to thank
all authors, shepherds, reviewers, and Program Committee members for their time
and collaboration with PLoP. Thank you!
All of these words just
to say that we wish you an amazing and productive time during PLoP09!
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
PLoP 2009 Chair
PLoP 2009
Conference Description
Pattern Languages of
Programs (PLoP) conference is a place for pattern authors to have
their pattern languages reviewed by fellow authors. The purpose of
PloP is to promote development of pattern languages on all aspects of
software, including design and programming, software architecture,
user interface design, domain modeling, and software process.
Domain-specific patterns were encouraged for PLoP 2007.
PLoP 2009 was held in
Chicago, IL, August 28-30.
We invited
contributions from practitioners and researchers
Patterns and
pattern languages
Critiques of
patterns and pattern languages
Research on
patterns and pattern languages
Case studies of
the use of patterns and pattern languages
PLoP is different
from other conferences. It is run in the "writers' workshop" style, as
described in
Gabriel's book. Before the conference, authors interact with a
"shepherd" who helps them improve their paper to make it as ready for
PLoP as possible. A program committee reviews the papers for final
acceptance after they have gone through the shepherding process. The
writers workshops provide more feedback, and so authors revise their
paper again after PLoP. The papers here are the version produced by
authors after PLoP, not the ones reviewed at PLoP.
The PLoP '09 conference also
hosted presentations concerning a number of hot topics in the patterns
community. Following are a list of presentations from PLoP 2009:
The table of contents
is organized by the workshop groups and the chairs as they were
presented at PLoP.
Table of Contents
Writer's Workshop |
'Architecture & Design' group, led by Brian Foote
"An Interactive Pattern Story about Remote
Object Invocation"
by James Siddle |
"How to make your Enterprise Architecture
Management endeavor fail!"
by Sabine Buckl, Alexander M. Ernst, Florian Matthes ,
Christian Schweda |
"A Pattern Language for Metadata-based
by Eduardo Guerra , Jerffeson Souza , Clovis Fernandes |
"Adaptive Object-Model Builder"
by León Welicki, Joseph W. Yoder, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock |
'People' group, led by Linda Rising
"A Pattern Language for Clearing USA Passport
and Customs"
by Marco Hernandez, Jeffrey Hutchinson, Robert Zack |
"A Pattern Language for Screencasting"
by Nicholas Chen |
"Additional Patterns for Fearless Change II"
by Mary Lynn Manns, Linda Rising |
"Patterns for Sustainable Development"
by Linda Rising, Karl Rehmer |
"Is that true...? - Thoughts on the
epistemology of patterns"
by Christian Kohls, Stefanie Panke |
"Learning Patterns: A Pattern Language for Active
Learners "
by Takashi Iba, Toko Miyake, Miyuko Naruse, Natsumi
Yotsumoto |
'Process' group, led by Robert Hanmer
"An Analysis Pattern for Invoice Processing"
by Eduardo B. Fernandez, Xiaohong Yuan |
"Composing Analysis Patterns to Build Complex
Models: Flight Reservation"
by Zhen Jiang, Eduardo B. Fernandez |
"Patterns for Consistent Software
by Filipe Correia, Hugo Ferreira, Nuno Flores, Ademar
Aguiar |
'Security' group, led by Ralph Johnson
"Symmetric Encryption and XML Encryption
by Keiko Hashizume , Eduardo B. Fernandez |
by Youngsu Son, Jin-Ho Jang, Jemin Jeon, Sangwon
Ko,Hyuk-Joon Lee, Jungsun Kim |
"A pattern language for service input data
by Geert Monsieur, Monique Snoeck, Wilfried Lemahieu |
"Modeling User Interactions for (Fun and)
Profit: Preventing Request Forgery Attacks on Web Applications"
by Karthick Jayaraman, Grzegorz Lewandowski, Paul G.
Talaga, Steve J. Chapin |
"Goal-Oriented Security Threat Mitigation
Patterns: A Case of Credit Card Theft Mitigation"
by Sam Supakkul, Tom Hill, Ebenezer Akin Oladimeji,
Lawrence Chung |
Committees The PLoP Conference would not be a success without the
volunteer help of the shepherds and program committee members. The shepherds
devote hours of their time to helping authors improve their papers
pre-conference. The program committee members help organize the conference,
handle requests, and communicate with attendees.
We would like to thank all those who helped make PLoP 2009 a
complete success.
Conference Organization Committees
Conference Chair |
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, (Wirfs-Brock Associates,
USA) |
Publicity & BootCamp |
Linda Rising(Independent Consultant, USA)
Bob Hanmer (Alcatel-Lucent, USA)
Publications |
Pam Rostal |
Director of Local Operations |
Joseph Yoder (The Refactory Inc., USA)
Registrations |
Jason Frye (Hillside Group, USA)
Web Design
Ana Ferreira
Miguel Carvalhais (id:D / FBAUP, Portugal)
Jason Frye (Hillside Group, USA)
Shepherding Committee
- Alejandra Garrido
- António Rito Silva
- Berna L. Massingill
- Bob Hanmer
- Cecilia Haskins
- Christian Kohls
- Daniel May
- Eduardo Fernandez
- Eugene Wallingford
- Fernando Castor Filho
- Hironori Washizaki
- Jorge L. Ortega Arjona
- Joseph Bergin
- Joseph Yoder
Kyle Brown
- Linda Rising
- Lise Hvatum
- Marcelo d'Amorim
- Mary Lynn Manns
- Michael Weiss
- Neil Toussaint
- Ofra Homsky
- Paul Adamczyk
- Peter Sommerlad
- Roberta Coelho
- Rosana Teresinha Vaccare Braga
- Scott E. Schneider
- Terry Terunobu Fujino
- Uwe Zdun
- Wolfgang Herzner
Programming Committee
- Ademar Aguiar (INESC Porto/University of Porto, Portugal)
- Joseph Yoder (The Refactory Inc., USA)
- Linda Rising (Independent Consultant, USA)
- Bob Hanmer (Alcatel-Lucent, USA)
- Uwe Zdun (Vienna Technical University, Austria)
- Eduardo Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
- Rosana Teresinha Vaccare Braga (ICMC, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Peter Sommerlad (Institut für Software, Switzerland)
- Jason Yip (ThoughtWorks, Australia)
- Klaus Marquardt (Dräger Medical, Germany)
- Juha Pärssinen (VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland)
- Pavel Hruby (CSC, Denmark)
- Lise Hvatum (Schlumberger, USA)
- Pam Rostal, USA
- Nobukazu Yoshioka (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- António Rito Silva (INESC-ID/Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal)