Companies and Organizations can financially help organizing the Conference by committing to one of the following entries.
Bronze = USD 250
Institutions or companies that contribute USD 250 or its equivalent in Argentine pesos
will be recognized on the Sponsor section of the conference website, and their logo will be displayed during intervals. In addition, they can publicly mention that they are sponsors of SugarLoaf PLoP 2016. Bronze sponsors will contribute to a half scholarship for a student that registers to the conference.
Silver = USD 500
Institutions or companies that contribute USD 500 or its equivalent in Argentine pesos, will have the same benefits as Bronze sponsors, plus the following benefits: host a conference activity (e.g. coffee breaks or lunches), or contribute 2 half scholarships for students who register for the conference. In addition you will access one (1) free registration to the Pattern School.
Gold = USD 1,000
Institutions or companies who contribute USD 1,000 or its equivalent in Argentine pesos, will have the same benefits as Silver sponsors plus the following benefits: the logo will be placed on the Gold sponsor section of the conference website and souvenirs, either host the closing banquet or the international keynote. They also will have access to two (2) free registrations to the Pattern School.
Platinum> USD 1200
Institutions or companies that contribute more than USD 1,200 or its equivalent in Argentine pesos, will have the same benefits as Gold sponsors plus the following benefits: a prominent place on the conference website and souvenirs, and 20-minutes space for a presentation during the conference. Platinum sponsors will also have access to four (4) free registrations to the Pattern School.