Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Conference Chair - The conference chair is responsible for implementing the budget set forth and accepted by the committee. The chair works directly with venue personnel to create the desired atmosphere for the conference. The chair assists in all aspects of the conference, including setting up the website, determining deadlines for registration, creating transportation information, and negotiating meeting space.

Program Chair - The program chair sets up the topics for the conference. (refer to Bob’s timeline)

Hillside Treasurer - The Hillside Treasurer is responsible for authorizing payment of bills incurred on behalf of the conference. No further discussion is needed, if the bills are aligned with the proposed and accepted budget.

Site Webmaster - The Site Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the information on the web site. If registration takes place online, the Webmaster will work with the chair in documenting the registration information, as well as keeping the information for the conference up to date.

Hot Topic Leaders - Hot Topic Leaders should propose their topics to the Program Chair for approval. In their email to the chair, they should include a list of people they believe would be interested in joining the group. The Hot Topic Leader takes responsibility for finding participants for their topics, for leading discussion the event, and for responding to any inquiries by possible attendees. (would this also be the case for focus groups?)


Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP™) conference is a premier event for pattern authors and pattern enthusiasts to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns and software development... Learn More

Euro PLoP


EuroPLoP is a conference that explores, develops and celebrates patterns in software. As with PLoP in the US, the main focus of EuroPLoP will be a series of writer's workshops where pattern authors work together to improve their patterns... Learn More



GuruPLoPTM is hosted in India and is open to pattern authors, pattern users, and software designers and developers from around the world... Learn More


The 13th Annual ChiliPLoP features "hot topics" for experienced folks... Learn More

Asian PLoP

Asian PLoP

AsianPLoPTM is hosted in Tokyo, Japan and is open to pattern authors, pattern users, and software designers and developers from around the world... Learn More

SugarLoaf PLoP

SugarLoaf PLoP

SugarLoafPLoP brings together researchers and practitioners whose interests span a remarkably broad range of topics, who share an interest in exploring the power of the pattern form... Learn More

Viking PLoP

Viking PLoP

VikingPLoP is a conference in the tradition of the PLoP conferences, held in different places in Scandinavia; that's what the Vikings did -- they were always moving to new territory... Learn More


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