Southwestern Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Why ChiliPLoP?
You keep hearing, "ChiliPLoP: A different kind of PLoP." Different how?
Well, we could start with a list of the hot topics and their cool contributors, or the unique opportunity for those new to the patterns community to get some real experience in finding and writing patterns. We could do that, yes, and perhaps you would glean from those descriptions that it is indeed something different. But that wouldn't begin to capture that ChiliPLoP is different not just in its content, but in its entirety. Several of us had the opportunity to visit the site of ChiliPLoP '98 at the Wickenburg Inn in Arizona, and we're very excited about what the entire conference has to offer the patterns community. An environment of creativity and relaxed intensity is what ChiliPLoP has to offer, along with experiences that will entice you to return again and again.
Carefree, Arizona
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