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What is Shepherding? Shepherding Award? Award Winners!
What is Shepherding?
The shepherding process is essentially a reviewing process. Shepherds are individuals, with experience in pattern writing, assigned to an author's paper with the expressed interest in helping the author improve the pattern. Most Shepherds also have experience with the shepherding procedure, either having been a shepherd before or an author. Shepherding is about improving the pattern itself, while the Shepherd maintains that the author is the one doing the pattern writing. The shepherding process is done before the paper is to be presented at a conference, such as PLoP. The Shepherd guides the author into a more mature understanding of his or her pattern. For a more in-depth description visit "The Art of Deep Shepherding" written by Richard Gabriel. There is also a PDF version of Neil's paper on The Language of Shepherding
What is the Shepherding Award?
The Shepherding Award is named after the well-known This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who wrote the following in "The Language of Shepherding":

Many of us have submitted patterns to our colleagues for feedback prior to a writers’ workshop or other type of review. In fact, at PLoP conferences, all submissions are subjected to shepherding before they are evaluated for acceptance. Unfortunately, the quality of shepherding varies widely. Some people receive extremely helpful comments, but others receive only cursory remarks, and a “Looks good” endorsement.

Yet shepherding can be a very powerful tool for improving patterns. It can go well beyond hints for grammar and usage, even to the heart of the work being shepherded. In fact, shepherding can turn a paper about a solution into a pattern. But it requires more than a casual reading by the shepherd: it requires attention!

The Award winners named below exemplify the observant, helpful, and insightful characteristics that are crucial to quality shepherding. Congratulations!

Congratulations to All Our Winners!

EuroPLoP 2000 Norm Kerth
PLoP 2000 Todd Coram
KoalaPLoP 2001 Jorge L. Ortega Arjona
EuroPLoP 2001 Joe Bergin
PLoP 2001 Brian Marick
EuroPLoP 2002 Ed Fernandez
PLoP 2002 Ed Fernandez
Viking PLoP 2002 Linda Rising
EuroPLoP 2003 Frank Buschmann
PLoP 2003 Berna Massingill
Viking PLoP 2003 Alan O'Callaghan
EuroPLoP 2004 James Noble
PLoP 2004 Richard P. Gabriel
Viking PLoP 2004 Cecilia Haskins
EuroPLoP 2005 Allan Kelly
Viking PLoP 2005 Klaus Marquardt
PLoP 2005 Federico Balaguer
PLoP 2006 Ademar Aguiar
Munawar Hafiz
Viking PLoP 2006 Andreas Rüping


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