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From the Back Cover
Java programmers, you now have the resource you need to harness the considerable power of design patterns. This unique book presents examples, exercises, and challenges that will help you apply design pattern theory to real-world problems. Steve Metsker's learn-by-doing approach helps you enhance your practical skills and build the confidence you need to use design patterns effectively in mission-critical applications.Design Patterns Java™ Workbook features the twenty-three foundational design patterns introduced in the classic book Design Patterns (Addison-Wesley, 1995). In this new, hands-on workbook, the patterns are organized into five major categories: interfaces, responsibility, construction, operations, and extensions. Each category begins with a chapter that reviews and challenges your ability to apply facilities built into Java. These introductory sections are followed by chapters that explain a particular pattern in detail, demonstrate the pattern in use with UML diagrams and Java code, and provide programming problems for you to solve.With this book you will build expertise in important areas such as: Adapting domain data to Swing components Creating a FACADE for Swing Handling recursion in composites Understanding the role of BRIDGE in Java database connectivity Making the connection between Model/View/Controller and OBSERVER Maintaining relational integrity with a mediator Using proxies to communicate between computers Letting a service provider decide which class to instantiate Supporting undo operations with MEMENTO Prototyping with clones Using COMMAND to supply a service Developing thread-safe iterators Extending classes with DECORATOR and VISITORSolutions to the design pattern challenges appear in the back of the book, so you can compare your own work to expert approaches. A brief guide to UML explains the modeling notation, and an accompanying Web site provides all the code examples from the book.Through the instruction and exercises offered in Design Patterns Java™ Workbook, you can fully understand the role of design patterns in Java application development, and enhance your ability to put design patterns to work.

Addison-Wesley Pub Co
ISBN: 0201743973

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