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Essential reading to understand patterns for parallel programming

Software patterns have revolutionized the way we think about how software is designed, built, and documented, and the design of parallel software requires you to consider other particular design aspects and special skills. From clusters to supercomputers, success heavily depends on the design skills of software developers.

Patterns for Parallel Software Design presents a pattern-oriented software architecture approach to parallel software design. This approach is not a design method in the classic sense, but a new way of managing and exploiting existing design knowledge for designing parallel programs. Moreover, such approaches enhance not only build-time properties of parallel systems, but also, and particularly, their run-time properties.

  • Features known solutions in concurrent and distributed programming, applied to the development of parallel programs
  • Provides architectural patterns that describe how to divide an algorithm and/or data to find a suitable partition and link it with a programming structure that allows for such a division
  • Presents an architectural point of view and explains the development of parallel software

Patterns for Parallel Software Design will give you the skills you need to develop parallel software.


Learn More about Patterns


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