Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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The workshop is led by a moderator.

  • The group reads the pattern.


  • The author reads any selection(s) from the pattern that s/he feels is important to explain the pattern to others. The author then becomes a "fly on the wall" and does not participate in the discussion.


  • Summary of the pattern. Given by any member of the group, not the author or moderator.


  • Suggestions for the author. These are not criticisms. There is no eye contact with the author. The author's name is never mentioned; all references are to "the author." Begin the discussion with positive comments.

    The group might consider whether the pattern has the "quality without a name" or how the pattern makes the programmer's life easier.

    Others in the group who also "know" the pattern should not try to clarify or speak for the author during the discussion. The pattern should "stand on its own."

    The moderator should constrain the discussion to the pattern at hand, usually with a comment, "point noted" and then proceed with the workshop. Issues can be directed to a parking lot for consideration after all patterns in the workshop have been discussed.


  • Questions from the author about suggestions from the group. The author should never offer apologies. It can be good for the author to say what s/he "heard" from the group.

    The expectation is that the author is an expert in the area and will act appropriately to suggestions. There is no need to "check" on whether the suggestions are taken to heart. However, the author can request a second workshop as a helpful next step.


  • Thank the author. The moderator should call for applause to recognize the author's contribution.
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