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  • PLoP


    Pattern Languages of Programs, People, and Practices (PLoP®) is the premier conference for pattern authors and users to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns. To achieve this, the conference promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages, as well as the underlying theory of the nature of order. PLoP 2024 will be held October 13-16, 2024. Visit the PLoP Official Site,

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The Hillside Mission

The mission of the Hillside Group is to improve the quality of life and society as a whole. This includes architects, developers, managers, owners, workers, educators, students, and more. Understanding and helping the human element is critical for achieving success. The Hillside Group believes in making processes and design more humane by paying attention to real people and existing practices.

The Hillside Group promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages to record, analyze, and share knowledge to help achieve its mission. The Hillside Group sponsors a variety of activities to achieve this mission—organizing workshops, hosting PLoP (pattern) conferences, and producing publications for discussing, recording, and documenting successful practices.

The Hillside Group supports many different conferences such as: PLoP, EuroPLoP, AsianPLoP, VikingPLoP, SugarLoafPLoP, and ChiliPLoP. These conferences focus on writing groups to better improve patterns through group exposure. Each conference offers advanced topics for the more adept pattern writers. Participants have the opportunity to refine and extend their patterns with help from knowledgeable and sympathetic patterns enthusiasts.

Pattern Books

The Design Patterns Book Series showcases many patterns from PLoP conferences and leading experts in the patterns field.

See our Pattern Book Library filled with over 80 Pattern related books.

Patterns Resources

Ademar Aguiar
Alan O'Callaghan
Alejandra Garrido
Alexander Nowak
Alfredo Goldman
Amir Raveh
Andreas Fiesser
Andreas Rueping
Andrew Moore
Andy Longshaw
Berna L. Massingill
Bill Opdyke
Bob Hanmer
Bobby Woolf
Brahim Hamid
Brian Foote
Cecilia Haskins
Cees De Groot
Charles Weir
Charlotte Pierce
Christa Schwanninger
Christian Kohls
Christian Köppe
Christoph Fehling
Claudia Werner
Daniel Cukier
Danny Dig
Dave West
David DeLano
David H. Lorenz
David Mundie
David Trowbridge
Dibyendu Goswami
Didi Schuetz
Dirk Riehle
Don Roberts
Doug Lee
Doug Schmidt
Dragos Manolescu
Dwight Duego
Eduardo B. Fernandez
Eduardo Guerra
Eugene Eric Kim
Eugene Wallingford
Fabio Kon
Federico Balaguer
Filipe Correia
Frank Buschmann
Fujino 'Terry' Terunobu
Gerard Meszaros
Grady Booch
Gregor Hohpe
Hanyuda Eiiti
Hironori Washizaki
Hugo Ferreira
James Coplien
James Noble
James Siddle
Jason Baragry
Jason Hogg
Jason Yip
Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez
Jens Coldewey
Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza
Jessie Henshaw
Jiwon Kim
Joe Yoder
Joel Jones
Joerg Pechau
John Letourneau
Jorge Ribeiro
Joseph Bergin
Joshua Kerievsky
Juan R. Reza
Juha Parssinen
Jutta Eckstein
Karl Rehmer
Ken Auer
Kiran Kumar
Klaus Marquardt
Kristian Elof Sorenson
Kyle Brown
Leon Welicki
Linda Rising
Lior Schachter
Lise Hvatum
Madiha Syed
Manawar Hafiz
Maria-Elena Chavez-Echeagaray
Mark Schwenk
Marko Leppänen
Markus Voelter
Martin Fowler
Martine Devos
Mary Curtin
Mary Lynn Manns
Mary Shaw
Masao Tomono
Mauricio Aniche
Michael John
Michael Kircher
Michael Mehaffy

Michael Van Hilst
Michael Weiss
Miguel Carvalhais
Miguel Pessoa Monteiro
Mimpei Morishita
Miyuki Mizutani
Neil Harrison
Nobukazu Yoshioka
Norm Kerth
Nuno Flores
Paris Avgeriou
Paul Adamczyk
Paul Austrem
Paul Chalekian
Paul Taylor
Paulo Borba
Pavel Hruby
Pedro Monteiro
Peter Sommerlad
Philipp Bachmann
Ralph Johnson
Rebecca Rikner
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Ricardo Jorge Lopez
Richard Gabriel
Richard Helm
Rick Mercer
Robert Biddle
Roberta Coelho
Roland Bijvank
Ron Goldman
Rosana Teresinha Vaccare Braga
Rossana Andrade
Roxanne Leitão
Russ Rufer
Sachin Bammi
Sami Lehtonen
Sergio Soares
Son Youngsu
Steve Berczuk
Takashi Iba
Tiago Sousa
Till Schuemmer
Toby Ayers
Tom Munnecke
Tracy Bialik
Uwe Zdun
Vivek Gondi
Ward Cunningham
Wiebe Wiersema
Yan Li
Yu-Chin Cheng

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What is Shepherding? Shepherding Award? Award Winners!
What is Shepherding?
The shepherding process is essentially a reviewing process. Shepherds are individuals, with experience in pattern writing, assigned to an author's paper with the expressed interest in helping the author improve the pattern. Most Shepherds also have experience with the shepherding procedure, either having been a shepherd before or an author. Shepherding is about improving the pattern itself, while the Shepherd maintains that the author is the one doing the pattern writing. The shepherding process is done before the paper is to be presented at a conference, such as PLoP. The Shepherd guides the author into a more mature understanding of his or her pattern. For a more in-depth description visit "The Art of Deep Shepherding" written by Richard Gabriel. There is also a PDF version of Neil's paper on The Language of Shepherding
What is the Shepherding Award?
The Shepherding Award is named after the well-known This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who wrote the following in "The Language of Shepherding":

Many of us have submitted patterns to our colleagues for feedback prior to a writers’ workshop or other type of review. In fact, at PLoP conferences, all submissions are subjected to shepherding before they are evaluated for acceptance. Unfortunately, the quality of shepherding varies widely. Some people receive extremely helpful comments, but others receive only cursory remarks, and a “Looks good” endorsement.

Yet shepherding can be a very powerful tool for improving patterns. It can go well beyond hints for grammar and usage, even to the heart of the work being shepherded. In fact, shepherding can turn a paper about a solution into a pattern. But it requires more than a casual reading by the shepherd: it requires attention!

The Award winners named below exemplify the observant, helpful, and insightful characteristics that are crucial to quality shepherding. Congratulations!

Congratulations to All Our Winners!

EuroPLoP 2000 Norm Kerth
PLoP 2000 Todd Coram
KoalaPLoP 2001 Jorge L. Ortega Arjona
EuroPLoP 2001 Joe Bergin
PLoP 2001 Brian Marick
EuroPLoP 2002 Ed Fernandez
PLoP 2002 Ed Fernandez
Viking PLoP 2002 Linda Rising
EuroPLoP 2003 Frank Buschmann
PLoP 2003 Berna Massingill
Viking PLoP 2003 Alan O'Callaghan
EuroPLoP 2004 James Noble
PLoP 2004 Richard P. Gabriel
Viking PLoP 2004 Cecilia Haskins
EuroPLoP 2005 Allan Kelly
Viking PLoP 2005 Klaus Marquardt
PLoP 2005 Federico Balaguer
PLoP 2006 Ademar Aguiar
Munawar Hafiz
Viking PLoP 2006 Andreas Rüping
  • Hillside Fellowship Award
  • PLoP Conference Proceedings
  • Patterns for API Design
  • Pattern Languages of Programing
  • Security Patterns in Practice

The Hillside Fellowship Award

The Hillside Fellowship Program was established in 2016 to recognize members of The Hillside Group who have made exceptional contributions to the Hillside community and to the Patterns community at large. The title of Hillside Fellow denotes an outstanding member who has consistently and  repeatedly:  

  • provided excellence in contributions to the patterns body of knowledge
  • advanced the arts,
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PLoP Conference Proceedings

After the PLoP Workshops, writers are encouraged to modify their papers and submit a final version. The final versions are collected and submitted to the ACM Digital Library. The versions are also available from the conference website. 

Conference Proceedings (ACM Digital Library)

Some of the PLoP accepted papers have been published on the  ACM Digital Library . The program committee will

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Patterns for API Design


" Patterns for API Design " by Olaf Zimmermann, Mirko Stocker, Daniel Lubke, Uwe Zdun, and Cesare Pautasso

API Design Patterns

This book is for any domain, technology, or platform

  • Identify and overcome API Challenges
  • Size your endpoint types and operations
  • Design request and response messages and their representations
  • Refine your message design for quality
  • Combine patterns to solve real-world problems and make
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PLoP™ (Oct  13-16, 2024)

Check out the main PLoP Website for more information and details!!!

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Security Patterns in Practice

Eduardo Fernandez's new book " Security Patterns in Practice: Designing Secure Architectures with Software Patterns " has been published.


It is the result of 14 years of producing security patterns with students and colleagues. Almost all of these patterns went through PLoP, EuroPLoP, AsianPLoP, or SugarLoafPLoP. Many of you have participated as shepherds or workshop commentators, the book owes something to

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