Sunday, June 30, 2024
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  • PLoP


    Pattern Languages of Programs, People, and Practices (PLoP®) is the premier conference for pattern authors and users to gather, discuss and learn more about patterns. To achieve this, the conference promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages, as well as the underlying theory of the nature of order. PLoP 2024 will be held October 13-16, 2024. Visit the PLoP Official Site,

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The Hillside Mission

The mission of the Hillside Group is to improve the quality of life and society as a whole. This includes architects, developers, managers, owners, workers, educators, students, and more. Understanding and helping the human element is critical for achieving success. The Hillside Group believes in making processes and design more humane by paying attention to real people and existing practices.

The Hillside Group promotes the use of patterns and pattern languages to record, analyze, and share knowledge to help achieve its mission. The Hillside Group sponsors a variety of activities to achieve this mission—organizing workshops, hosting PLoP (pattern) conferences, and producing publications for discussing, recording, and documenting successful practices.

The Hillside Group supports many different conferences such as: PLoP, EuroPLoP, AsianPLoP, VikingPLoP, SugarLoafPLoP, and ChiliPLoP. These conferences focus on writing groups to better improve patterns through group exposure. Each conference offers advanced topics for the more adept pattern writers. Participants have the opportunity to refine and extend their patterns with help from knowledgeable and sympathetic patterns enthusiasts.

Pattern Books

The Design Patterns Book Series showcases many patterns from PLoP conferences and leading experts in the patterns field.

See our Pattern Book Library filled with over 80 Pattern related books.

Patterns Resources

The position of Program Chair is one with rewards and recognitions But to get to that point, there are a number of things that must get done.

  • Conference -1 year
  1. Work with Hillside and the Conference Chair to determine the dates of PLoP
  2. Any special plans that you might have for the conference that can change the usual number of days needs to be communicated and planned for. The facility might not be available, or the dates might have to shift slightly.
  3. Consult with the conference chair to make arragements for
    • special speakers/attendees
    • game-master
  • Conference -9 months
  1. Start serious work on the call for papers.
    • Will it be only Writers' Workshops, or will there be some other kind of activity. Does that other activity need a leader to self-volunteer (like a hot topic at ChiliPLoP, or a "focus group")? What are the parameters around the focus group that need to be advertised?
  1. Prepare the website and call for papers
    • The Hillside website needs to be updated to point people to the current year's conference.
    • The conference website should have enough information for a focus group/hot topic leader to know what they need to do to submit one.
  2. Begin looking for shepherds
    • An initial call for shephers has sometimes been done.
    • Discussing the shepherding season schedule with your peers at the other conferences that meet in the summer & fall can help avoid *everyone* needing shepherds at the same time.
  3. Assemble program committee
    • These folks can give advice & counsel about general topics.
    • Traditionally they "oversee" the shepherding process by looking over author's shoulders
    • They might be able to draw in attendees also
  • Conference - 8 months
  1. Send the call for papers to all the websites and journals of interest
  • Submission Deadline - 1 month
  1. Turn on the submission website
  2. Personal invitaitions to regulars/strong participants to encourage papers/attendance
  3. What is the conference going to look like? What special touches do *you* want to add to PLoP? Start thinking about this.
  4. Revise website.
    • Make sure dates are correct for shepherding schedule
    • Add any new thoughts about focus groups/hot topics
  5. Reminder call for papers (Since CFP/website has been modified)
  • Submission Deadline
  1. Begin Triage of papers
    • Are they patterns?
    • Are there too many from the same author?
    • Are they ready for shepherding?
  2. Announce shepherding start
    • Support shepherds collecting papers
    • request additional shepherds
    • assign shephards and PC members to papers
  3. Watch shepherding and handle any issues
  4. Define 99% correct schedule for the actual conference. The Conference chair will want this to help start logistics of events and meals.
  • Paper Acceptance Deadline
  1. Collect recommendations from shepherds and PC members for each paper
  2. Decide which papers (if any) to reject
  3. Start grouping patterns into workshop groups. Use whatever method makes the most sense to you. (In 1997 the "non-OO" workshop group had a Smalltalk pattern
  • Pre-Conference Paper Deadline
  1. Accept the revised papers that are ready for workshopping. Ensure that you have all the latest ones, since the Conference Chair is going to burn CDs
  2. Prepare the pre-conference paper website with workshop information so people know which papers to read
  3. Identify workshop group leaders
    • These are the people that will get the group started,
    • train the newbies on how to act in a Writer's Workshop,
    • act as the final arbiter of conflict in the workshop group,
    • lead any of your special initiatives that relate to workshop groups,
    • mentor other members of the workshop group in pattern writing and writers' workshop moderation/leadership style.
  • Conference - 3 weeks
  1. Advertise the pre-conference paper website
  2. Encourage people to read papers in advance
  3. Encourage registration
  4. Prepare final schedule
  5. Encourage workshop groups to start an email dialog
    • Some issues can be settled in advance, like paper order, basic introductions, etc.
  • Conference - 1 week
  1. Final reminders
  2. Do you have your own plane tickets?
  3. Are the workshop groups all set? leaders ready?
  4. papers still all set (any papers that need to be removed because of non-registration)?
  5. Arrange demo Writers' Workshop
  • Select pattern to workshop
  • Who will participate? (usually "old-heads" and workshop group leaders)
  • Who will fill what roles? (Need a traditional moderator AND a meta-moderator)
  • Conference
  1. Introduce the conference
  2. Introduce Writers' Workshops
  3. Introduce workshop process (demo)
  4. Handle problems as they arise

  • Hillside Fellowship Award
  • PLoP Conference Proceedings
  • Patterns for API Design
  • Pattern Languages of Programing
  • Security Patterns in Practice

The Hillside Fellowship Award

The Hillside Fellowship Program was established in 2016 to recognize members of The Hillside Group who have made exceptional contributions to the Hillside community and to the Patterns community at large. The title of Hillside Fellow denotes an outstanding member who has consistently and  repeatedly:  

  • provided excellence in contributions to the patterns body of knowledge
  • advanced the arts,
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PLoP Conference Proceedings

After the PLoP Workshops, writers are encouraged to modify their papers and submit a final version. The final versions are collected and submitted to the ACM Digital Library. The versions are also available from the conference website. 

Conference Proceedings (ACM Digital Library)

Some of the PLoP accepted papers have been published on the  ACM Digital Library . The program committee will

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Patterns for API Design


" Patterns for API Design " by Olaf Zimmermann, Mirko Stocker, Daniel Lubke, Uwe Zdun, and Cesare Pautasso

API Design Patterns

This book is for any domain, technology, or platform

  • Identify and overcome API Challenges
  • Size your endpoint types and operations
  • Design request and response messages and their representations
  • Refine your message design for quality
  • Combine patterns to solve real-world problems and make
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PLoP™ (Oct  13-16, 2024)

Check out the main PLoP Website for more information and details!!!

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Security Patterns in Practice

Eduardo Fernandez's new book " Security Patterns in Practice: Designing Secure Architectures with Software Patterns " has been published.


It is the result of 14 years of producing security patterns with students and colleagues. Almost all of these patterns went through PLoP, EuroPLoP, AsianPLoP, or SugarLoafPLoP. Many of you have participated as shepherds or workshop commentators, the book owes something to

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    trademark of The Hillside Group.

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